Privacy news

A VPN will make your internet better for cats
2 mins
5 ways a VPN will make your internet better (with added kitten pics)
There are two indisputable truths about the internet; cats own it, and a VPN will improve it. With that in mind, here are 5 ways...
Which countries have the best internet privacy laws?
1 min
The online land of the free definitely isn’t America. So who is it?
America and Britain like to position themselves as the global arbiters of freedom, democracy, and civil rights. But when it comes to internet privacy, and...
Password security: Salt shaker spilling numbers.
4 mins
Salts and hashes: How apps and websites protect your passwords
Password protection methods like Diceware, password managers, and two-factor authentication are just one side of the story. What are apps and websites doing on...
Facebook quizzes invade your privacy
3 mins
Can Facebook quizzes really tell you the name of your future spouse?
Of course they can't, that’s absurd. But preposterous quiz titles such as these litter our Facebook walls, almost constantly. Respite is usually only in the...
What is privacy engineering?
4 mins
Built to last: The new discipline of privacy engineering
Computer software is now ubiquitous. It's time to redesign the building process. Put privacy first, not as an afterthought.
PPTP, L2TP, UDP, TCP, IKEv2, OpenVPN, SSTP in speech bubbles.
4 mins
PPTP, L2TP, and a plethora of VPN protocols
UDP? TCP? OMG! While they may appear to be intimidating, VPN protocols are quite easy to understand and essential to securing your online activity. In...
A picture of Edward Snowden
1 min
5 years later: How Edward Snowden changed the world
There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who think Edward Snowden is a champion of privacy and a true hero for...
Olympic hero uses ExpressVPN
3 mins
An interview with Ashton Eaton, world’s greatest athlete and ExpressVPN user
There are those who run. There are those who jump. There are those who throw. And then there are those who do all three...
1 min
Test your web skills with the ExpressVPN internet privacy quiz
How well do you exercise your right to online privacy? Are you a Fort Knox of solitude, a bastion of web strength, and an unbreakable...
Government puppeteer controlling Pikachu.
4 mins
Is there a big Pokémon Go conspiracy? Probably not
There can be no doubt about it; Pokémon Go has taken the world by storm. The application has quickly achieved phenomenal success and taken...

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